Thursday, June 25, 2009

What's in your purse????

My love for purses is about as equal as my love for shoes. I've lost count of how many purses I actually have (though maybe not as many as people might think). I only know that when I see a purse, and it calls my name, I must buy. Normally I only buy if they are on sale, but I admit that the boot purse above cost me more than what I would usually pay. I like the green one just because it has fru-fru and beads. It's my girly girl purse. Bought them both at the Affair of the Heart in OKC (Note to self, do not go with two old ladies who smoke next year. They will only piss you off and want to leave early because they are tired)

When I say call my name, I'm really REALLY serious y'all. I hear bells and fireworks, and my eyes light up, and I get super happy all of the sudden. Whenever I feel a little down, I pull out one of my purses and suddenly I'm not quite so sad anymore. Superficial? Hell yes. I think every woman is allowed to have a something that makes them happy just because. I have no guilt over my small obsession.